Initial Equalities Screening Record Form


Date of Screening: 26 April 021

Directorate: People

Section: Adult Social Care

1.  Activity to be assessed

Bracknell Forest Recovery Community Grant Scheme

2.  What is the activity?

 Policy/strategy     Function/procedure     Project     Review     Service    Organisational change

3.  Is it a new or existing activity?

 New      Existing

4.  Officer responsible for the screening

Harjit Hunjan

5.  Who are the members of the screening team?

Katie Flint, Samantha Wood

6.  What is the purpose of the activity?

One-off local Recovery Community Grant Scheme for the voluntary and community sector that Improves the wellbeing and mental health of residents and sustainability of the Community and Voluntary Sector as part of council’s plans for recovery from the pandemic. The focus of the grant will be: Isolation and community reintegration, Digital inclusion (skills and assets) Employment and skills support Early action for wellbeing Sustaining positive changes.

Grant scheme will be administered locally by Involve Community Services and overseen by BF Health and Wellbeing Board.

7.  Who is the activity designed to benefit/target?

Resident groups who appear to be more negatively affected by the pandemic than others and therefore will be prioritised for support and funding principally – Including Older adults, Low income families and Younger people.

Voluntary and community groups negatively affected by the pandemic; particularly financially as fundraising opportunities and availability of volunteers were more limited, reinvigorating VCS groups/projects and adapting to meet emerging needs

Protected Characteristics


Please tick

yes or no

Is there an impact?

What kind of equality impact may there be? Is the impact positive or adverse or is there a potential for both? 

If the impact is neutral please give a reason.

What evidence do you have to support this?

E.g equality monitoring data, consultation results, customer satisfaction information etc

Please add a narrative to justify your claims around impacts and describe the analysis and interpretation of evidence to support your conclusion as this will inform members decision making, include consultation results/satisfaction information/equality monitoring data

8. Disability Equality – this can include physical, mental health, learning or sensory disabilities and includes conditions such as dementia as well as hearing or sight impairment.










18% respondents to BFC Residents Covid Survey indicated that of day-to-day activities have been limited because of a health problem or disability. This grant could be used to address this.

9.  Racial equality






VCS Applicants for the grant will be asked to detail how they promote equality within the remit of their offer.

10. Gender equality





The latest figures, (mid-2018), show the population of Bracknell Forest is 49.6% male and 50.4% female.

VCS Applicants for the grant will be asked to detail how they promote equality within the remit of their offer.

11. Sexual orientation equality







There is no data to suggest that this protected characteristic group would be disproportionately negatively impacted locally.

12. Gender re-assignment







There is no data to suggest that this protected characteristic group would be disproportionately negatively impacted locally.

13. Age equality




Positive – will be prioritised for support and funding





Older residents: are more likely to have experienced isolation and now be less confident accessing the community due to shielding. Also more likely to be digitally excluded due to skills and access to technology.


Younger people: more likely to be negatively affected, especially linked to employment changes and their financial situation.


Grant aims to support both these areas as priority groups.

14. Religion and belief equality





Applicants for the grant will be asked to detail how they promote equality within the remit of their offer.

15. Pregnancy and maternity equality





There is no data to suggest that this protected characteristic group would be disproportionately negatively impacted.

16. Marriage and civil partnership equality






There is no data to suggest that this protected characteristic group would be disproportionately negatively impacted locally.

17. Please give details of any other potential impacts on any other group (e.g. those on lower incomes/carers/ex-offenders, armed forces communities) and on promoting good community relations.

Carers- Significant rise in the number of family and friend carers nationally since the start of the COVID-19. Many young and adult carers report their mental health as being worse since Coronavirus and are feeling less connected to others since Coronavirus. (Carers Trust Survey)


Those on lower incomes. - There is some evidence that people on low incomes saw a higher than average drop in income at the onset of the Pandemic. Some people and/or their families may be financial vulnerable and continue to face financial hardship.  


People who may be digitally excluded

Low income families and older residents more likely to be digitally excluded due to access to technology. Also more likely to be negatively affected linked to employment changes and their financial situation.

Some VCS groups may not have ability/access to complete the grant application digitally, therefore an option would be provided to apply via hardcopy.

18.  If an adverse/negative impact has been identified can it be justified on grounds of promoting equality of opportunity for one group or for any other reason?


19. If there is any difference in the impact of the activity when considered for each of the equality groups listed in 8 – 14 above; how significant is the difference in terms of its nature and the number of people likely to be affected?


20. Could the impact constitute unlawful discrimination in relation to any of the Equality Duties?




21.  What further information or data is required to better understand the impact? Where and how can that information be obtained?

Ongoing monitoring of service delivery defined within the conditions of grants agreement.

Ongoing overview and scrutiny function undertaken by the Health and Wellbeing Board.  

22.  On the basis of sections 7 – 17 above is a full impact assessment required?




23. If a full impact assessment is not required; what actions will you take to reduce or remove any potential differential/adverse impact, to further promote equality of opportunity through this activity or to obtain further information or data?  Please complete the action plan in full, adding more rows as needed.



Person Responsible

Milestone/Success Criteria

Support Involve to have an extensive communication plan to ensure local awareness of grant and promote through multiple communication channels and platforms.


Harjit Hunjan/Katie Flint

Communications plan developed with BF communications/marketing team and Involve community.  





24.  Which service, business or work plan will these actions be included in?

Council Recovery Plan

25. Please list the current actions undertaken to advance equality or examples of good practice identified as part of the screening?

Actions undertaken are detailed with screening against specific protected characteristics

26. Assistant director’s signature.

Signature:                                                               Date: 27/05/21